Mysterious labyrinth of life

How to understand women? Now that is a question that it so complex, many are searching for the answer to this day … and it seems like you are one of them.

Well, congratulations, by reading this post you will be getting one step closer to your answer!

Do not worry, here are not going to dive into complex mind of every woman to find this answer, but will stick to a much simpler topic, that is so fundamental and yet often overlooked – that is womans biology. 

And what does biology have to do with how to understand women? Well, a lot as you will see! 

Men and women are different, and that is usually obvious by the first look. But what is not so easy to see, are the chemical processes inside our body. And those are a huge source of our differences. 

Today we will focus on one set of chemical processes, which I believe has a huge role in understanding women, and those are processes that drive woman’s reproductive cycle. 

There are many many many videos that explain the reproductive cycle from a biological point of view, how many phases there are and what hormones are main actors at which phase. 

But what most of these videos are NOT describing is how this entire cycle is affecting woman’s day to day life, and sadly that is a topic that has not been so well studied and is, at least in my opinion, not as much debated about as it should have been. 

Woman’s cycle is on average 28 days long, and with every day hormonal ratios in women change a little bit. Something worth mentioning is that with different values of hormones comes different moods and feelings. 

Now let’s ask ourselves two questions. FIRST:  When was the last time a woman had the same  hormonal values as today? Well, the answer is 28 days ago. 

SECOND: Do you remember what you ate 28 days ago? 

As hard as it is to remember that, it is the same with hormones. Woman’s mind needs to remember for 28 days ago how it handled today’s hormonal ratio!

With men it is a bit different, men have 24 hour hormonal cycle, and because of that their mind only needs to remember how it handled a specific hormonal ratio yesterday …. now what is easier – To remember what you ate yesterday or 28 days ago ? 

With women, every next day in 28 days is a bit different from the previous one and women need to handle that everyday. When it comes to explaining the effect of small everyday differences, I like go give an example of a labyrinth

And I usually take the labyrinth that is very well known to people who have ever heard of Greek mythology. The Minotaur’s labyrinth.

Imagine a mighty Minotaur roaming around that labyrinth for years and years. It must have known that labyrinth pretty well and was able to hunt all the poor victims that came into it. 

Now imagine what happened, if that same Minotaur was put into a slightly different labyrinth every day on 28 base cycle. Would it still be such a great hunter when it would ran into a wall where there was no wall the previous day? And how much time and effort would it take to get to know every single one of those 28 labyrinths ? 

From personal experience, I would say a lot of effort and quite some time, but of course it is not impossible, and I believe to be excellent in our “hunting” (by which I mean excelling in our every day activities and tasks), each woman needs to learn about every single one of those labyrinths – what are its traps and its advantages.

And the more women understand how their daily labyrinth is put together, the more efficient she is at handling it. 

And that brings me to understanding women. If you are a woman, and want to better understand yourself, start tracking what is happening in every single one of those ” labyrinths” or without metaphors, figure out what is going on inside you every single day of your menstrual cycle!

If you are a man trying to understand women, please keep in mind that every single day we need to remember how life was 28 days ago. And I believe it is also important for you to get familiar with cycle phases, or if you are wondering about a specific woman, figure out how she is dealing with life in every phase of her cycle.

And luckily , science has made woman’s cycle a bit easier to understand and grouped similar days into phases of a cycle, and if you want to learn more about what comes with each phase you are welcome to follow us and join our online course, where we will explain how menstrual cycles are ( most likekly) affecting womans moods through the month!

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