Buisness cycles

Women are finally totally rocking the business world! This would not be that normal few decades ago, so I think we can all agree that women in business is something relatively new.

And how are women handling this mostly man dominated world? Some better than others, that is for sure, however this is the place where you will learn to be the former kind rather than the latter!

How are we going to make that happen? We will discuss and point out how important menstrual cycles are even in business and how to work with them to achieve success beyond your wildest dreams!

If you have been with us for a while, you know that menstrual cycles affect every single aspect of your life, and work is no exception. How much effect it has depends on the kind of work that you do, but for women in leadership positions, menstrual cycles can play a significant role.

Let’s dive straight into the topic with an example:

Having a meeting to negotiate your salary raise while being on your period*!

*This is just an example, since many women experience “dull days” during their period. If that is not the case for you, imagine having this very important meeting during the worst days of your cycle!

Is this going to go as great as it could? Probably not!

So here is our first piece of advice: Schedule any important meeting during your “power days” !! (Usually around ovulation)

This way you will have the right energy and confidence to get exactly what you want and also a person/group next to you will be much more susceptible to your wishes. This is scientifically proven and if you want to know more, check out our post about the power of ovulation!

This sounds quite amazing, but sadly we are not always at our peak of energy. Luckly, that’s just an opportunity to do other tasks more efficiently !

For example, some women exhibit signs of something called “nesting behavior” in their luteal phase. This is most stereotypically presented as cleaning the house and making it comfy. Well, there is a mechanism behind this behavior, which is also very useful, in business – that is naturally stronger attention to detail!

And if your body follows a general cycle syncing pattern, then luteal phase is perfect time to do administrative tasks at work. For example, it could be a great time to start working on the new organization of files that has been pending for ages or perform a detailed review of documents.

Now we come to the time of menstruation! As challenging as it can be, this stage has an important place in business. By experience you probably know that menstruation is a time when women are mostly focused inwards, focused on their wellbeing.

When syncing with your cycle, this is the time to think and evaluate your life. What’s OK and what’s not. Do the same at work. Think about what processes are stable, efficient and useful – and which are not! During menstruation there are more connections formed in women’s brains so it is a perfect time to think and re-think!

Whatever ideas you come with … follicular phase time to execute them!

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