Men’s hormonal cycles

At HerSpheres, we are mostly talking about how hormones affect women’s lives. But did you know that hormones responsible for womans ups and downs are also present in men? And also widely known “men” hormone testosterone is also present in women? 

As women are largely affected by hormones, believe it or not, but so are men!

Here we will discuss what effect primary male sex hormone (testosterone) has on males lives – and it is huge!

First things first – when thinking about testosterone, connections to lust, violence and machismo might come to your mind. Indeed, testosterone is often labelled ‘the aggression hormone’ but its effects are definitely not as straightforward as this.

For one thing, hormones do not directly change behaviour; they influence the expression of a behaviour within appropriate environmental or social contexts.

And, as we always tell to our lovely ladies, what we present is only an overview and might not correlate with you 100%. Everyone is unique, male or female, and the best way to find out what is true for you is to observe you state in every stage of your cycle. 

Men’s hormonal cycle is 24h long, so you might consider being aware of your internal happenings by hours instead of days, as it is suggested for women. 

Here’s a timeline of what you can generally expect from a man’s daily hormone cycle:

Morning: Testosterone is highest

The highest testosterone levels are usually observed between 8 am and 11 am. This surge in testosterone production is known as the “morning spike.” During this time, men generally experience increased energy levels, higher sex drive, and improved cognitive function. They can also be more talkative, focused, competitive, independent, impulsive and confident. During these peak testosterone hours, they may also be easily angered and are more likely to say “no” to a favor or request.

Afternoon: Testosterone is in the middle of its cycle

Men tend to be a tad mellower than during morning hours, but aren’t going on empty just yet. As a result, they can still be upbeat, driven and focused, but not as easily ticked off. This is a part of the day to start working with other people rather than doing everything alone. 

Evening: Testosterone is lowest

With testosterone bottoming out, men tends to be more passive, agreeable and low-key. Men may feel more tired, especially before he’s had a chance to recharge after work or eat dinner. At this point, libido might hit its lowest point, but lowest does not mean lack of it. 

If you are interested in activities and tips that might go the best with your hormonal cycles – let’s call that cycle syncing for men – leave us a comment and we will see what we can do!

It’s important to note that testosterone levels are also influenced by external factors. Stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, and sedentary lifestyle choices can all contribute to lower testosterone levels. Conversely, engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting quality sleep can help optimize testosterone production.

We hope you learned a lot about yourself or the opposite sex and we hope you will use this knowledge to create the best version of yourself!