TABOO topic warning ⚠️

We all know that talking about menstruation can be a bit uncomfortable and therefore we might avoid talking about it all together. 

And a topic that is for some unknown reason hard to talk about is usually a TABOO topic. 

What is a taboo? If we ask google, we get this answer: 

A taboo topic is a topic that is considered to be unacceptable, prohibited, or forbidden by a social group or culture. Taboo topics are often based on morals, religion, or norms, and can vary from one society to another. Taboo topics are usually avoided or condemned in conversations, relationships, or media. (Jun, 2024)

Sounds familiar? Of course! There are many TABOO topics in today’s society, we just believe that menstruation, menstrual cycles and all that goes with it, should not be one of them!

So today we will dive a little deeper on why TABOO about menstruation cycles exists, why it started and what kind of effect it has on our society!

So, how are taboos formed? What are the driving forces behind something being a forbidden topic?

There are many different taboos, and each of them could have their own explanation, so we will just focus on the topic of menstrual cycles. For this specific taboo, we can have a very simple explanation: 

Psychological intuitions.

What is that, you may ask? It is something that your senses pick up, and then you know whether something is good or bad for you! 

For example pheromones of a potentially good partner – we do not sense them continuously, but they are often the reason why we like someone. Another example is moldy food – that we do sense continuously, and our intuition is just screaming: “Hell no!”

So what does psychological intuitions have to do with menstruation taboo? 

Imagine living sometime in the ancient world, when hygienic standards were not exactly on today’s level. The last thing you want to experience in non-hygienic conditions is bleeding. 

Blood is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and, if left unattended for too long, also for insects. 

And for humans, microbial contamination triggers the emotion of disgust and that is also an example of psychological intuition! 

Also, another part of this could be that women tend to be a bit less fit when menstruating and this can be sensed. So, back then people had a combination of potential health hazards and a person who was not looking their fittest. These are two signs that might tell another person that something bad is happening. 

And as we dicussed, taboos are there to quietly show that something shoul be avoided , meaning that in ancient times, this taboo might have been on point. 

But lets revert to today!

With all our disinfectants, pads, cleaning tonics and nice smelling creams – why is this taboo still sticking around? 

Leave us your thoughts on this matter in the comments. 

With not talking about menstruation, we are limiting conversation about menstrual cycles that have a fundamental effect on women’s everyday life! 

This is why we believe that it is important to realize that talking about menstruation still is a taboo topic! And when we understand the origins of this taboo, we can realize it is no longer relevant in most parts of the world, so we can all start talking about “it”! 

P.s. Sentence “talking about it” is exactly why this taboo still exists – read more in ….

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